Create a multiple choice/select question

  horizontal = FALSE,
  required = FALSE,
  name = NULL



the prompt for the question


character vector of options


should radio buttons be laid out horizontally?


is a response to the question required?


a convenient label for the question


A question object to be passed to trial_survey_multi_choice() or trial_survey_multi_select().


The question_multi() function is designed to be called when using trial_survey_multi_choice() to construct a survey page that contains multiple choice items, or trial_survey_multi_select() to construct one with multi-selection items.

When rendered as part of the study, the text specified by the prompt argument is shown to the participant, with a set of options presented either as radio buttons (for a multiple choice trial) or checkboxes (for a multiple selection trial). The text placed adjacent to the response options is specified by the options argument, and by default the options are laid out vertically. A horizontal arrangement can be produced by setting horizontal = TRUE. If required = TRUE the participant will not be allowed to continue to the next trial unless an answer is provided.

The name argument should be a string that provides a convenient label for the question. If left unspecified, jsPsych defaults to labelling the questions within a survey page as "Q0", "Q1", "Q2", etc.

See also

Survey page trials are constructed using the trial_survey_text, trial_survey_likert, trial_survey_multi_choice and trial_survey_multi_select functions. Individual questions for survey trials can be specified using question_text, question_likert and question_multi.